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Dedicated to the the preservation and restoration of the Lincoln Automobiles based on the 1936-1948 H-Series V-12 chassis.
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We carry out our mission by encouraging our members to exchange information about their cars, publishing a bi-monthly magazine, The Way of the Zephyr, holding meets (the "Gathering of the Faithful," sometimes referred to as "GOF"), and researching the history of these fine cars.

How you can become part of our friendly, helpful club...


The club has nearly 1,000 members in every state and several foreign countries.We also have Regional Chapters to serve our members closer to home. If you have an interest in these cars, we'd love to hear from you. As we update our biennial Membership Directory, you'll receive a copy.  Annual dues are as follows:

U.S. 3rd Class...........................$50.00
U.S., Canada, Mexico 1st Class...........$58.00
All Other Foreign Countries:
Air Mail........................................$68.00


      For correspondence regarding membership transactions, send to:

LZOC, c/o Cornerstone Registrations, Ltd., PO Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 55311, U.S.A.
Ph: 763-420-7829 Fax: 763-420-7849

      For general information and all other correspondence, send to:

LZOC, c/o Mr. Tom Brunner, 25609 N. Forest Rd., #10, Rio Verde, AZ 85263

      For items related to the club's magazine, The Way of the Zephyr, send correspondence to:

Mr. Richard L. Cole, Editor, The Way of the Zephyr, 200 E. Fesler #206, Santa Maria, CA 93454

      For correspondence relating to Lincolnalia and Back Issues, send to:

Mr. Robert Barr, PO Box 115, Sheboygan, WI, 53082


Our work
History, Leadership & FAQs

Who Are We?

The LZOC encourages the preservation and restoration of the Lincoln Automobiles based on the 1936-1948 H-Series V-12 chassis.

These include Lincoln-Zephyrs of 1936-1942, Lincoln V-12's of 1946-1948, Lincoln Customs of 1941-1942, and Lincoln Continentals of 1940-1948. We carry out this mission by encouraging our members to exchange information about their cars, publishing a bi-monthly magazine, The Way of the Zephyr, holding meets (the "Gathering of the Faithful," sometimes referred to as "GOF"), and researching the history of these fine cars.


Genesis and background of this unique and friendly club, along with its remarkable magazine

Regional Chapters

Regional Groups to promote local meets and social engagements


The leaders and "worker bees" of the club


Answers to commonly-asked questions


What is a "Gathering of the Faithful" or as we refer to them, GOFs?

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